
Lord's Day Worship


Come join us in-person or online for worship this Sunday!

10:40 AM

Typical end time is noon.


The morning service is live-streamed in real-time at 10:40 AM Sunday morning. The recording of the service is available by Sunday afternoon. Live worship and recorded services are both accessible from our online worship page.

Bible Study

Sunday School

Enjoy fellowship and dive deeper into the Word:


Meets in-person at HPC on Sundays. Includes songs, Bible lessons, and general silliness.

Youth and Adults

Meets in-person at HPC on Sunday morning just before our morning Worship Service. We are currently studying The Beliefs, Practices, and History of HPC.

Men's & Women's Mid-Week Bible Studies

Contact us for information on how to get involved with mid-week Bible studies and community groups.

Contact us for Zoom Meeting info


Prayer Opportunities

Looking for a prayer group? We have opportunities for men and women to join together weekly in prayer:


Meets at HPC at 9:30 AM on Tuesdays at HPC. Contact us for details.


Meets at Sunny Street Cafe in Wildwood, MO at 7:00 AM on Thursday mornings.

Need Prayer?

If you are going through a difficult time, we would like to come along side you and support you with encouragement and prayer. Our God is the God of all comfort and a God of mercy. Your prayer needs can be confidentially submitted to our church Elders or to our "Closet Prayer Team".

Contact us for Zoom Meeting info Reach out and let us pray for you


Food Pantry & Community Garden

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are aiming to help support our community and beyond by growing and collecting food.

Community Garden

Come by on any Saturday morning this summer and find our gardeners at work. Produce supports local food banks. Come get your hands dirty!

Food Drive

Held monthly during the COVID-19 pandemic to support those hit hardest. Check our News page for details on this month's drop-off date/time.

Other Opportunities

There are always opportunities to serve our community in Christ's Name. If you are looking for a ministry to get plugged into, let us know. Here are some examples of ministries in our area that we can connect you with:

  • Tutoring at risk children
  • Aiding pop-up learning centers during COVID-19
  • Work project to aid those in poverty
  • Disaster Relief
  • Veteran ministries

Perhaps you have a ministry idea that you'd like to share with us. Please let us know your idea!

Updates on Food Pantry and More Get Connected with a Service Ministry

Community Groups

Our Community Groups cannot be placed into any one category listed on this page. Instead, Community Groups overlap all the different areas of ministry:


CGs are small-knit groups of individuals and families who meet regularly to stay connected in each others lives. CGs are a great place to get to really know your brothers and sisters in Christ, and to be known by them. CGs go on outings, host game nights, share meals, and enjoy the bond of fellowship we have with one another as believers in Christ.


CGs are discipleship groups. We take time to meet to study God's Word through Bible studies, book studies, videos, and discussion. Each CG chooses their path, but the goal is the same: Cooperative Discipleship. Come and grow with us!


Being in a smaller group opens up new and creative opportunities for service. CG's are a place where you can find support and become a support. Our CGs strategize ways to impact our community with the love of Christ, to serve our larger church family, and to support one another within the group through challenging and difficult times.

Just like our larger church, our Community Groups are always open to new members. If you're interested in getting plugged into a core group of fellow believers or if you're looking for a safe place to grow and ask questions about the Christian faith, let us know! We'd love to pair you up with one of our groups

Get Connected with a Community Group
Contact Us
Heritage PCA
4000 Alt Rd
Wildwood, MO 63025
Preview Sunday's Service

The upcoming Sunday Worship bulletin is uploaded every Wednesday afternoon and can be downloaded here:

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